How to insert a vaginal ring like NuvaRing or SyreniRing

What is the vaginal ring?

The vaginal ring is a combined hormonal contraception method containing the hormones oestrogen and progestogen. It is inserted into the vagina for 21 days, after which you remove it (and throw it away) to have a 7 day ring-free break, during which you will have a withdrawal bleed.

Alternatively, you can use the vaginal ring continuously to skip your withdrawal bleed, just like the combined pill, and replace your ring after 21 days with a new one.

How to insert the vaginal ring

The vaginal ring can be a bit fiddly to get used to, but if you’ve previously used a menstrual cup or diaphragm, you may be more used to getting in the right position to insert it correctly. Don’t worry, you’ll be a pro in no time after following these steps…

Here’s how to get started:


👉Always wash your hands before inserting your vaginal ring

👉The ring can’t get lost inside you

👉Never flush or keep your ring when you’re done

  1. Firstly, squeeze the ring between your thumb and finger
  2. Then, gently insert the tip into your vagina
  3. Slowly push the ring up into your vagina using your index finger until it feels comfortable
  4. Unlike a diaphragm or cap, the ring doesn’t need to cover the entrance to your womb (the cervix) to work, but if it feels uncomfortable you may not have pushed it far enough
  5. To remove the vaginal ring, insert a finger into your vagina and hook it around the edge of the ring to gently pull it out
How to insert the vaginal ring | The Lowdown

What’s the difference between the SyreniRing and the NuvaRing?

The SyreniRing and NuvaRing are pretty much the same in every way, except for one key feature. They both contain the same types and amounts of oestrogen and progestogen and are inserted the same way and for the same length of time. The key difference is that the SyreniRing doesn’t need to be refrigerated, so you can be prescribed up to 12 months of the SyreniRing at once. If you use the NuvaRing, however, you will only be prescribed 3 months supply at a time, as it must be refrigerated before being dispensed, and then used within 4 months.

The Lowdown now offers a subscription service! Which means you don’t have to remember to reorder your vaginal ring, we’ll deliver it straight to your door before you run out. It’s easy to set up a contraception subscription with us in a few easy steps.

Remember: it’s important to store your vaginal ring at room temperature, in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Order the NuvaRing | The Lowdown


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